A Member of the Seymour Savings Military Discount Program

Offer Valid: 04/22/2015 - 05/01/2050
The Partnership for Children of Wayne County, Inc. Proudly Supports Our Military!
A six-month free subscription to our Lending Library - a vast collection of toys, games, and books (over 2,000 items) for preschool children.  Items may be checked out for a four-week period.  Excellent resource for new parents with little space for storage.  Regular subscription:  $10/year. Located at 800 N. William Street, Goldsboro.

This Hot Deal is promoted by Chamber of Commerce of Wayne County, Inc..

Printed courtesy of www.waynecountychamber.com – Contact the Chamber of Commerce of Wayne County, Inc. for more information.
PO Box 1107, Goldsboro, NC 27533 – (919) 734-2241 – scotts@waynecountychamber.com